Was our failure to succeed really due to a lack of time, some unlearned skill, or a much deeper self-esteem issue? Well, we could probably get a great conversation going as to why so many people have such a difficult time keeping their commitments. However, I would prefer to offer a simpler solution—a step-by-step approach that will, in effect, allow you to set, keep, and ultimately achieve any worthwhile goal you desire...
"Commitment is doing the thing you said you'd do, long after the feeling you said it in has passed." Now that's what keeping your word is all about!
So if "committing to...and then following through" is what you'd like to do more often, the following five step plan will help you set your goals and keep your promises, thereby allowing you to ultimately achieve what's truly important to you...
Decide What You Want
Achievers realize some people join the business because they want to drive a new car; some because they want to earn more money; and some because they want the extra time needed to enjoy a more rewarding life. What about you? To stay the course you'll need to be moving towards something you actually want! After all, part of your journey is discovering your real why...
Know Your "Why?"
True, deciding what you want is your first step, and yet it's only part of the solution! Therefore, if you really want to set, keep, and ultimately achieve every worthwhile goal, you'll need to become clear on why you want what you want. The best part is you'll know when you've found your "Why" because from that moment on you will do whatever it takes!
Follow A Proven Plan
You either have a proven plan (system or daily method of operation) you follow, or you don't. If you do, continue moving forward. If you don't, find someone who has already achieved what you want. Find out what they did. Do that. And then continue until you achieve the same result they've already proven was possible. Because it's easier to keep going when you get results—and it's easier to get results when you follow a proven plan.
Commit Yourself Publicly
After you've decided what you want, discovered why that is important to you, and are diligently following a proven plan to achieve it, you're ready for step four: public commitment! Decide in writing that you will be here, still actively involved, a year from now! On 3" x 5" cards write out what you want (your goal), followed by a sentence or two explaining your desire to have this (your "Why?"), and then include the steps you're taking (your proven plan) to accomplish it...
Give these hand-written cards to 10 people you know, like, and trust, and would not want to disappoint. Believe me, if you'll do this, you will follow through.
Get Better Every Day
Leaders understand that wherever they are, and wherever they're going, the journey will be easier if they incorporate a daily personal development program. So what should yours include? Books, CDs, and classes. Because when you get better "it" gets easier...
Use this information—all five steps—to guide you and you will be well on your way to keeping your word and achieving all your dreams. And that's the real power of commitment!
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